Block Strong is an effort designed to make sure that everyone-consumers, construction professionals and designers understand the vital link between quality building materials and the health and safety of those people living in the homes and structures that they design and build. It’s also an information source for aiding prospective homebuyers in their search for knowledge as they go through the various steps of the home-buying journey. We are sure that once you’ve learned the facts, you’ll wholeheartedly agree that concrete block construction is an easy choice and that life really is better with block.
Block Strong, now more than two years old, is already a powerful consumer-oriented marketing effort that has influenced thousands of new homebuyers to choose the safe, high quality construction material that is concrete block. So, it only makes sense that anyone making their living from the design, construction and sales of residential housing in Florida would support and foster this important movement.
Whether you’re a builder, a contractor, a concrete block producer or a design professional, membership in Block Strong and its many benefits can greatly enhance the value you receive from your own business and help grow the entire industry.
As a member of the Block Strong Builder Program you’ll have the opportunity to introduce your company to literally thousands of homebuying prospects on a daily basis. averages over 75,000 visitors a month- most of whom are highly qualified and in the market for a new home-right now. Block Strong offers you the opportunity to place your company’s name, logo, bio and website on our builder locator. Prospects looking for a builder, can search for you by name or by location (zip code). Whether you are a small custom builder or a big production builder your company and your homes will be predominantly displayed to the qualified buyers you want to reach.
Whether you’re a builder, a contractor, a concrete block producer or a design professional, membership in Block Strong and its many benefits can greatly enhance the value you receive from your own business and help grow the entire industry.